Squat central

Warmup – 15 minutes
3 rounds for quality of
5 dragon flags
10 pistols (5 each leg)
30 dubs

For the pistols if your heel comes off the ground, don’t count the rep.  Use a box where necessary and get used to sitting back and grounded in your pistol.

2 minutes to practice triple unders

Strength – 20 minutes
Front Squat
With a partner

Please do not use racks on the pull up bars.  Use the racks in the back and against the wall for the WOD.

WOD – 20 minutes
100 double unders
Back Squat
Toes to bar
100 double unders

Games 225/155
Regional 205/135
Open 185/115

Homework – lower body flexibility for an hour on your rest day- video to follow tomorrow