..and the CrossFit Open is officially complete, big Congrats to everyone who participated. With each year of the Opens and with each competition experience is gained and lessons are learned. It becomes apparent having just one weakness can take you out of contention in competition. Be sure to take a look at how you placed in each of the workouts (your strengths and weaknesses) and start refining goals to start working on leading into your next competition. Here’s to putting in the hard work and to another year of crushing it toasty style! Post your successes, failures, goals for the next year and thoughts on the Open to comments….
Burnt Toasties will go back to following a Thursday Rest Day Schedule and Wednesdays going forward.
Warm Up
400m run Backwards
30 pass-throughs
30 bandy pull aparts
Accumulate 1 minute of a free standing hspu
2.Split Jerk
WOD (20 minutes)
800m run
Then 3 rounds of
15 Box jumps (28/24)
15 Push-presses (95,65)
800m run
Then 3 rounds of
15 Box jumps (28/24)
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/65)
800m run
Ca$h Out
Accumulate 2 minutes on the parallettes for an L-sit