Southie Spotlight: December Member Achievements

Nutrition is the FOUNDATION

Winter Nutrition Challenge
With the holiday season behind us and a blank slate for a New Year ahead, this is the perfect time for many of us to start thinking about our goals for 2018. If any of your goals involve health and fitness, it is important to start with nutrition. Learning to properly fuel your body can help you reach your goals in the gym, on the scale, and beyond. To get 2018 started on the right foot, we’ll be starting up a 6-week Nutrition Challenge beginning on January 21!

This is not a strict Paleo or Whole 30 Challenge… yes, you can and should eat carbs! We will go over the ins and outs of how to incorporate your favorite foods (or healthier versions of your favorite foods) into your diet at the right times so you do not feel constantly restricted but can still make progress.

If you’ve never done a Nutrition Challenge, we highly recommend it. You will learn a lot about your current eating habits and how you can make better choices on a daily basis. It’s also a great way to get involved with the community and meet other members who are taking on the challenge with you. Or, maybe you’ve done several nutrition challenges… we still encourage you to join in! Taking a step back to evaluate your nutrition and dial it back for six weeks is beneficial for everyone.

The challenge will be led by Coach Michelle Boutet, a board certified specialist in Sports Dietetics and a Registered & Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist. You can check out here site here. She will be leading the kick-off lecture and reviewing your food logs throughout the challenge to offer advice and feedback. Don’t miss this opportunity to be helped by one of the best!

If you’re interested in participating in the Nutrition Challenge, please sign up HERE. Save the important dates below, and stay tuned to the blog for more updates and important information. We can’t wait to see the results of your hard work!

Important Dates
Tuesday, January 16 @ 6pm: Nutrition Challenge Lecture
Week of January 16: Benchmark Testing & Weigh-Ins
Sunday, January 21: Nutrition Challenge Begins
Saturday, March 3: Nutrition Challenge Ends

Southie Spotlight!
It’s Spotlight Time!! Member achievements are a big deal and we love celebrating your hard work. Don’t forget your highlights get posted on Instagram each and every Friday! Scroll down to see your December Member Achievements and The “Southie Side Piece” for December which was a Max L-Sit Hold on The Parallettes! If you or someone you know got a PR in the month of Decmber and we missed it please let us know!! Keep up the great work everyone!

Warm Up
2 Rounds
5 Burpees
5 SA Kettlebell Press (Right)
5 Windmills (Right)
50’ Waiters Walk (Right)
5 Burpees
5 SA Kettlebell Press (Left)
5 Windmills (Left)
50’ Waiters Walk (Left)

Thoracic Opening

Overhead Squat
5-4- 3-2- 1

10-8- 6-4- 2-4- 6-8- 10
Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)
Kettlebell Lunges*

Level 2 – (1.5, 1)
Level 1 – (1, .75)
ADV – Single Arm KB Snatches

*Lunges and Snatches reps should be split between legs/arms.

Extra Work
5 Rounds of
30 Cals Ski
7 Stonebag over shoulder (190/140)*

*Scale reps to 3 or weight to 150/90 if need be. If you can move the 150/90 well make the jump to the bigger weight with less reps.