Day 1
Pumped Up, Trickle Down
18 Front Squats
18 Burpee Lateral Jumps
535meter Run
12 Squat Cleans
12 Burpee Laterals*
535 meter run
6 Thrusters
6 Burpee Lateral Jumps
ADV: 165, 115
Rx: 135, 95
Intermediate: 95, 65
Time Cap – 13 minutes
*There will be a tiebreak time after the 12 burpee lateral jumps are completed for those athletes that do not complete the 2nd run under the time cap.
Front Squat – Hip crease must pass below the knee at the bottom of every rep. Athletes must stand to full extension with hips fully open at the top before descending into the next rep. A squat clean for the first rep is acceptable. Barbells must stay in your lane at all times. If a barbell is dropped and bounces or rolls out of your lane, it will result in a 3 burpee lateral jump penalty on the spot.
Squat Cleans – The bar must start on the ground with two plates touching at the same time at the beginning of each rep. Athletes must pass through a full squat (hip crease below the knee) and stand to full extension at the top of every rep before dropping the barbell. One fluid motion is required in the Advanced Division. A power clean into a front squat is acceptable in the Rx and Intermediate Divisions. Barbells must stay in your lane at all times. If a barbell is dropped and bounces or rolls out of your lane, it will result in a 3 burpee lateral jump penalty on the spot.
Thruster – Athletes must pass through a full squat (hip crease below the knee) and finish with the bar locked out overhead. Athletes must show control (feet not moving, etc.) before descending into the next rep. No re-dipping under the bar will be allowed. A squat clean for the first rep is acceptable. Barbells must stay in your lane at all times. If a barbell is dropped and bounces or rolls out of your lane, it will result in a 3 burpee lateral jump penalty on the spot.
Burpee lateral jump – Chest and legs must make contact with the ground at the bottom. A two foot take off is required for every jump. The rep ends with the jump over the bar. If you miss the jump, you can re-do the jump without completing another burpee. Full hip extension is not required for the burpee lateral jumps.
Run – Stay within your lane and running route while inside the gym. Failure to do so will result in a 3 burpee lateral jump penalty.
10 reps @ 1st weight by 2:00
8 reps @ 2nd weight by 4:00
6 reps @ 3rd weight by 6:00
4 reps @ 4th weight by 8:00
2 reps @ 5th weight by 10:00
Men’s Weights
ADV: 185, 215, 235, 255, 275
Rx: 155, 185, 205, 215, 235
Intermediate: 95, 115, 135, 145, 155
Ladies’ Weights
ADV: 125, 145, 165, 175, 185
Rx: 95, 115, 135, 145, 155
Intermediate: 65, 75, 85, 95, 105
This workout is for time. If an athlete completes 10 reps at the first weight before the 2:00 is up, he/she will move immediately to the second weight and begin accumulating reps. If at any point an athlete does not complete the required number of reps before the time cut off, he/she will be eliminated the score will be total reps completed. If the time expires and the athlete has completed the clean but not the jerk, he/she will receive ½ point for the clean.
The score for this workout will be time completed. If not completed, score will be total reps completed before the cut-off.
Any type of clean (power, split or squat) and shoulder to overhead is allowed. Standing up to full extension at the top of the clean is not required. At the top of the movement, the athlete must be in full control with the feet under the hips and the bar stacked on top of the shoulder, hips and ankles. The rep must be complete and full lock-out/control must be established before the 2 minute buzzer in order for the rep to count. If an athlete has completed the clean but not the jerk before time expires, he/she will be awarded ½ point for the clean.
The athlete must show control of the bar on the way down. If the bar is not controlled and goes out of his/her lane, the rep will not be counted. Athletes will be responsible for loading and changing weights on their own barbells. Clips must be used for every rep and spare plates must be placed out of the way in their designated spot before starting a new rep. Reps will not be counted until this is done.
*Note: Ladies Divisions will use 35-lb Barbells
Orange Crush
60 Calorie Row
50 Wallballs
40 Box Jump Overs
Time Cap: 10 Minutes
Advanced Men – 20# ball to 10′ target; 24″ Box
Advanced Women – 14# ball to 10′ target; 20″ Box
Rx Men – 20# ball to 10′ target; 24″ Box
Rx Women – 14# ball to 10′ target; 20″ Box
Intermediate Men- 14# ball to 10′ target; 24″ Box (step-ups allowed)
Intermediate Women- 10# ball to 10′ target; 20″ Box (step-ups allowed)
The score for this workout will be time completed. If not completed, score will be total reps completed before the time cap.
Row – Athlete can set the foot straps and damper wherever they would like before the start of the WOD. Athletes will begin in the seated position with the monitor on. Hands will remain off of the handle until the call of “Go.” At the completion of the 60 calories, athletes must fold down the monitor and stand the rower up safely before moving on to wall balls. No wall ball reps will be counted until this is done.
Wall Balls – Hip crease must pass below the knee for every rep and the ball must make contact at or above the target. If the ball is dropped, it must settle and come to a full stop before starting the next rep.
Box Jump Overs – A two foot take off is required on every jump. Athletes must jump facing forward; absolutely no lateral jumps will be allowed. Turning on top of the box or in the air is allowed. Athletes are not required to open up their hips on top of the box. If intermediate athletes are completing step ups, both feet must make contact with the box on top and come back down to the ground before beginning the next rep.
Day 2
Handstand Pushup
Time Cap: 8 Minutes
Advanced Men – 225, Strict HSPU
Advanced Women – 155, Strict HSPU
Rx Men – 225
Rx Women – 155
Intermediate Men- 155, Push ups with hands & feet on plates
Intermediate Women – 105, Push ups with hands & feet on plates
The score for this workout will be time completed. If not completed, score will be total reps completed before the time cap.
Deadlift – Normal deadlift set up with hands outside of the legs is required – no sumo deadlifts are allowed. Full hip extension is required at the top with shoulders stacked on top of the hips and the ankles and the knees fully extended. Both plates must touch the floor at the same time. Excessive bouncing of the barbell will result in a no rep.
Strict Handstand Push Up (Advanced) – Hands must stay within a 36×24 inch box. Fingertips may be on/outside of the line but palms must remain inside the box. Feet must stay within the hands for the entirety of the rep. Ears must be in line with the arms at the top (similar to a push press) in order for a rep to count. Feet must be in contact with the wall the top of each rep in order for it to count. No other part of the body can come in contact with the wall at any point during the rep.
Kipping Handstand Push Up (Rx) – Hands must stay within a 36×24 inch box. Fingertips may be on/outside of the line but palms must remain inside the box. Ears must be in line with the arms at the top (similar to a push press) in order for a rep to count. Feet must stay within the hands for the entirety of the rep. Feet may come off of the wall to kip, but must be in contact with the wall at the top of each rep in order for it to count. Hips may be in contact at the bottom of the wall in order to kip, but once the athlete begins to travel back up, no other part of the body can come in contact with the wall. Athletes in the Rx division may also choose to complete strict handstand push ups. A mix of both is allowed.
Push Ups (Scaled) – A set of (3) 45# plates will be set up with an AbMat in the middle. One hand on each plate, and two feet on the back plate. Hands and feet must remain on the plates at all times. Fingers may not be used inside of the holes of the plates for leverage. Chest must make contact with the AbMat at the bottom of the movement and athlete must be in a plank position with the elbows locked out at the top. Excessive snaking on the way up will result in a no rep.
WOD #5 (11 min cap) – Jimmy Garrapolo
90 Double Unders
9 Hang Squat Snatches
9 Bar Muscle Ups
70 Double Unders
7 Hang Squat Snatches
7 Bar Muscle Ups
50 Double Unders
5 Hang Squat Snatches
5 Bar Muscle Ups
ADV- 135, 95, Bar Muscle Ups
Rx- 115, 75 Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 2 / 5 Bar Muscle ups at the end
Intermediate- 75, 55 Chin over Bar Pull ups x2 / 5 Chest to Bar Pull ups at end, Overhead Squats / Single Unders
*In this workout, the Rx and Intermediate divisions will have a tiebreak time recorded after the set of 5 Hang Squat Snatches/Overhead Squats. Athletes who are unable to complete the workout will receive credit for every rep completed. Those with faster tiebreak times will be ranked ahead of others with the same score and a slower tiebreak time.
Hang Squat Snatch (Advanced & Rx) – Athlete must establish the hang position on the first rep each time. Bar must be received in the bottom position with the hip crease below the knee for every rep for the advanced division. Rx division may Hang Power Snatch and overhead squat. Hip crease must past below the knee and stand to full hip extension with the bar in control in the overhead position in order for the rep to count. Barbells must be controlled and remain in the athlete’s lane at all times. Failure to do so will result in a 3 burpee lateral jump penalty on the spot.
Overhead Squat (Intermediate) – Hip crease must pass below the knee at the bottom of every rep. Athletes must stand to full extension with hips fully open at the top before descending into the next rep. A squat snatch for the first rep is acceptable. Barbells must stay in your lane at all times. If a barbell is dropped and bounces or rolls out of your lane, it will result in a 3 burpee lateral jump penalty on the spot.
Double Under (Advanced & Intermediate) – Rope passes under the feet twice for every jump. The rep that you trip up on will not be counted.
Single Unders (Intermeidate) – Rope passes under the foot once for every jump. The rep that you trip up on will not be counted. A two foot jump is required for the rep to count. Intermediate athletes may choose to complete double unders if they prefer. This must be established with the judge before the workout begins; mixing and matching is not allowed. The rep count will remain the same for those who choose to do double unders.
Bar Musle Up – The rep begins with straight arms at the bottom. At the top, full lock out is required with elbows fully extended. Fade away bar muscle ups where the athlete does not meet lockout at the top over the pull up bar before falling into the next rep will not be counted. Absolutely no glide kips will be allowed: hips, knees, and/or feet must not pass higher than the pull up bar at any point.
Chest to Bar Pull Ups – The rep begins with straight arms at the bottom and ends with the chest making clear contact with the bar below the collar bone. Any type of kip is allowed.
Chin Over Bar Pull Ups – The rep begins with straight arms at the bottom and ends with the chin clearly passing over the height of the bar. Any type of kip is allowed.