“Levers and Pulleys”
20 Toes to Bar
15 Overhead Squats (135,85)
30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 Squat Snatches (135,85)
20 Toes to bar
Score will be your finish time. If you do not finish the workout in the 10 minute time cap, one second will be added for each rep not completed.
Toes to bar- both feet must break the plane at the bottom and must simultaneously make contact with the bar within the hands.
Overhead Squat- Hip crease below the knee, full extension at the top with control of the bar. You may squat snatch the first rep.
Chest to bar pull up- arms must be fully extended at the bottom and chest (below the clavicle) must make contact with the bar.
Squat Snatch- one fluid movement is not required. A power snatch into overhead squat is acceptable.
Hip crease below the knee – full extension at the top with control of the bar and feet underneath the hips.
Sit-ups for Toes to Bar
Blue Band to assist with Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Overhead Squats/Squat Snatches (85,55)