“Chippedy Do Dah” (13 minute cap)
40 Power Cleans (115,75)
30 Burpee Lateral Jumps
20 Thrusters
10 Power Snatches
Power cleans– elbows in front of the bar, hips, knees and ankles fully extended at the top. At the bottom, shoulders must start above the hips, no rounded back/sloppy starting positions.
Burpee lateral jumps– chest to the ground, should be able to release hands if asked by the judge. Both feet jump over the bar together at the same time. If you skip over, you can re jump. Movement concludes with the jump.
Thrusters– can squat clean the first rep. Hip crease below the knee. Full extension, with control at the top with bar locked out over the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle.
Power snatch– press outs allowed but no contact with the shoulder or head on the way up. Full extension, with control at the top with the bar locked out over the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle. At the bottom, shoulders must start above the hips, no rounded back/ sloppy starting positions.