Southie Benchmark WOD

Bob - using the kip
Bob – using the kip

Do you dread 800’s? Or maybe wish you were faster at them? Don’t forget that we are offering a free running clinic for all members on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm. Take advantage of this opportunity, Brogan is one of the founders of the November project and a hell of a motivator. Don’t miss out 🙂

We have 10 CrossFit Games tickets that we are looking to sell. They are the Silver tickets, and they are selling through the venue for $75.00 + a $30.00 convenience fee. We are selling them for $70.00 each. We will be out there, we just upgraded our tickets, whch is why we are trying to sell the rest.  If you were considering flying to LA to view the CrossFit Games and still need to but some tix, let us know!

Chest to Bar Pull-up
Butterfly C2B Pull-ups

“Southie Sangy”
Run 800m
3 rounds of:
3 Squat Cleans (185/115)
6 Burpees
9 C2B Pull-Ups
3 rounds of
3 Squat Cleans
6 Burpees
9 c2b Pull ups
Run 800m

Level 3 (155/105)
Level 2 (115/75)
Level 1 400m-200-400; 2 rounds of each triplet (95/55)