Social Committee Meeting – Tonight at 7pm!
Just a reminder, we’ll be meeting tonight to brainstorm and plan events for the upcoming months. All are welcome! If you can’t make it tonight but have ideas that you’d like included, please shoot us an email at [email protected]. See you there!
Paleo Challenge Lecture – Tomorrow at 7pm!
Are you interested in participating in the upcoming Paleo challenge? Or perhaps just want to learn a little bit more about Paleo? Please join us for our paleo lecture tomorrow night at 7pm. We’ll go over the ins and outs of paleo – what to eat, what not to eat, and why. This is a great opportunities for people new to paleo to learn about the importance of nutrition, and also serves as a great refresher for those of us who may have fallen off of the bandwagon. Looking forward to seeing you there! All are welcome!
Power Clean
5 rounds
10 Deadlifts (225,155)
12 Toes to Bar
40 Double Unders
Level 3 (205,135)
Level 2 (185,115), 20 Double Unders
Level 1 (135,95), 60 Singles
Conditioning Class: WOD
500m Row
400m Run
Rest 2 minutes
400m Row
300m Run
Rest 1 minute
300m Row
200m Run
Rest 30 seconds
200m Row
100m Run
Conditioning Class: Core
Double Alternating Tabata
– Hollow Rocks
– Forearm Plank Hold