The 4th annual Beantown Throwdown will be held at CrossFit Fenway on Sunday, October, 18th!
It’s an RX only competition with loading established for teams of 2 men, and 1 woman (or 2 women and 1 man, or even 3 ladies up for the challenge, as long as 2 team members complete the heavier loading and larger range-of-motion prescriptions. A male athlete may not perform the female standards). Last year, a team of two ladies and one man dominated the entire competition.
Loading will be more or less classic CrossFit, and competence in gymnastics/bodyweight movements is recommended.
Entry is $150 per team before September 1st, and $180 per team from that day forward.
All athletes registered by September 25th will be guaranteed a t-shirt, with cash and prizes for the top teams.
Space is limited, so register today!
We’re looking forward to another great competition! See you in October!
1 minute of singles
30 seconds right leg
30 seconds left leg
1 minute skipping
1 minute of dubs
Every time you stop (even to transition) or trip = 3 burpees on the spot
3 Rounds
Max Effort Double Unders
Followed immediately by:
Max Effort Ring Dips
Post your highest and lowest score for each
Back Squat
1*5 60%
1*3 70%
1*2 80%
1*2 90%
1*1 95%
Front Squat
1*5 65%
1*4 75%
1*4 80%
1*4 85%
3 Rounds- Each for Time
400m Sandbag Carry (4,3)
20/15 Calorie Bike
Rest 3 Minutes