Sneaky Cross Chops


Tabatta cross chops (53/35) – scale weight where necessary
1. upward to the left
2. upward to the right
3. downward to the left
4. downward to the right Repeat sequence

Strength – 25 minutes
1. Push Press – 3-2-1-1
2. Push Jerk – 3-2-1-1
3. Hang Power Clean – 3-2-1-1

WOD – 25 min cap
5 Rounds of
Max Bodyweight Bench Press
Max Pull Ups

Games – C2B or Dead Hang Optional

Work in groups, rotate through with spotters. Use boxes if necessary for benches.

Ca$h Out
a. Bent Over DB Rows x 8 each arm
b. Weighted strict dip x 5
* go immediately from set a to set b. Perform 3 sets.