Snatch To Get Strong

We can’t go an entire 6 weeks without working on snatch technique as we could all use a little more work on our snatch so we are going to sneak some in here on our upper body strength day.

Warm-up – 10 minutes
1 round of
10 snatch grip push press
10 ohs
10 drop snatch
10 sots press
5 -3 position snatches working on hitting your positions (floor, below the knee, above the knee).

Strength – 20 minutes
5 heavy sets of
2 Snatch Grip Push Press
Immediately followed by
2 Overhead Squats

*If at some point your OHS becomes your limiting factor, see how heavy you can continue on with just the snatch grip push press.

15 minutes to work up to a 3 Position Squat Snatch (floor, below the knee, above the knee)

4 rounds of
5 Strict Press
10 Push Press
15 Jerks

Games (135, 95)
Regional (115, 80)
Open (95, 65)

Ca$h Out
a. L-Pull Ups x 8
b. strict HSPUs x 8 – use a deficit and bands where necessary

* go immediately from set a to set b, choose a scaling option where you can do 3-5 off the bat. Come down as many times as need be but don’t move on until you get all 8. Perform 3 total sets of each.