This video is Mike Hyatt completing a 315 Clean and Jerk earlier this week. Makes it look easy.
Saturday 1/18/14 – Snatch
Warm Up
N/I: Drill Inverted Snatch (PVC then Bar)
E: 10 Overhead Squats
10 Drop Snatches
10 Snatch Balances
10 Good Mornings
10 Snatch pulls
10 Squat Snatches
Skill Work
N: Hang Power Snatch to Overhead Squat: 5×3 Very Light
I: Power Snatch 3×3 then Overhead Squat: 3×3 @ 70% – 80% of 1RM
E: Snatch Balance: 5×3 @ 70% of 1RM then 3×3 High Bar Back Squats@80%
N: Power Snatch: work up to 3RM- work on pulling under the bar
I: Squat Snatch: work up to a heavy single
E: Squat Snatch: work up to a heavy single