Please Clean out the Cubbies and take your Gear home before the Southie Showdown

Nina – deadlift

We are asking everyone who has shoes, bags, etc. anywhere in the gym (shelving in the toaster & behind the men’s room, or cubbies in Southie Green and Orange) please take them home until after the Showdown next weekend (9/21-9/22). We need the areas to be clear to make room for the competition. Once the Showdown is over, you are more than welcome to bring your shoes back and leave them at the gym again on Monday. Anything that is left, will be put in lost and found and donated to goodwill a month from now. Everything will be cleared on Thurs 9/19. We thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Run 1 Loop With Medball


2 Rounds
50’ Deathmarch w/Medicine Ball
10 Medball Thruster
10 Medball Jack Knives
10 Superman Rocks

Every 3 Minutes for 5 Sets
Deadlift- 5 Reps @75%
Hands stay on Bar, Controlled Reps, Straight sets

40 Wallballs (20|14)
30 Snatches (115|75)
40 Wallballs

Level 2- 95|55
Level 1 –75|35
ADV – (30|20)

Extra Work
40|30 Calorie Bike
15 SandBag Over Shoulder (140|90)
30|20 Calorie Bike
10 SB Over Shoulder
20|10 Calorie Bike
5 SB Over Shoulder