Snatch City B*#%$!

Plan for May 12th for the in-house throwdown. May 5th we have a kettlebell certifiaction. Sorry for the confusion. Hopefully that wroks better for people because the tough mudder is also on the May 5th weekend. More details to come soon!

Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes
1 Snatch High Pull
1 Power Snatch
1 Squat Snatch

You will have 7-10 minutes to warm-up for this strength WOD. The weight you choose should be around 85% of your lesser max lift (if you can power snatch more than you can squat snatch then go by your squat snatch max number). Try to maintain this weight for the 10 minutes.

Newbies- power snatch only or 3 power snatches and 1 Overhead Squat

8  Minute
1 Burpee
1 Front squat (135,95)
2 Burpees
2 Front Squats…

Level 2 (115,75)
Level 1 (95,55)
ADV (165,110)