Marathon Monday Schedule – Normal schedule in the morning and afternoon. We will be running a reduced schedule in the evening. All Levels classes will be held in Southie Green at 4,5,6 & 7pm.
Long way run out to 200m – (around the block the other direction)
BCBC Line Work – shuttle runs, dynamic moves, etc
Empty Sled Pushes – practice & prep
Sled Push
DB Snatch
WOD (30 mins)
Teams of 3- Stadium Style (Everyone works at once)
4 Rounds
14 Alternating DB Snatches (50,35)
12 Toes to Bar
200m Run
Once the 4 Rounds is complete jog as a team out to the sleds carrying the plates needed for the sled push.
Then, (8) 50m sled pushes each (45,25)
Once complete run the long way back into the gym carrying your plate (s).
Level 2 ,-(40,25)
Level 1 – (30,15)
ADV- 20 Toes to Bar, 70,50
Extra Work
30/24 Calorie Bike
15/12 Muscle Ups
30 Overhead Squats (135/95)
*ADV- Rest 5:00 and Repeat in Reverse Order
*Scale Mups so they take no longer than 4:00