Skills On Skills On Skills

Saturday Go Time

Labor Day Schedule Update
We will be running a reduced schedule this weekend for Labor Day…

Today – Saturday – 1 box only – There will be Open gym from 6-8am -Classes at 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am &2pm. Mobility is cancelled. No babysitting.  The Introductory class will run as scheduled at Noon.
Sunday – Normal Schedule
Monday – All Levels Classes at 9AM & 10AM only today. Goose will be here at 8AM hitting the WOD during Open Gym if anyone wants to come in for an early session*
*There will be no bootcamp on Monday morning. All bootcampers are welcome to join in the general CrossFit classes at 9 or 10AM!

1:00 Work/:20 Rest and Rotate
1. Ski
2. Strict Toes To Bar or Leg Lifts
3. Handstand hold or wall plank
4. Moon To Sky

Stone Over Shoulder
Stone Squat
Handstand Walk

3 Rounds
1 Minute Work: 20s Rest and Rotate
1. Assault Bike
2. Toes to Bar
3. Stone Over Shoulder 140/90
4. Stone Hug Squats
5. Ski Erg or Air runner
6. Handstand Walk

Handstand walk sub =plank slider drag

Score= Total Reps. HS walk 5ft=1 Rep

Extra Work
Deadlift (275|185)
Strict HSPU