Simple Pull Up Program

No bands. Not in this program. Bands are fine, but not part of this program, because the point of this program is to get to the point where bands are no longer required. Therefore the first and most important step is to design a progressive program that ditches the band. Part one of this program is to build a base of strength and stability in order to achieve 1 or more strict/dead hang pullups.

The Exercises
Exercise 1: Flexed Arm Hang
Flexed arm hang
Jump and hold the chin over the bar. Time ends when the arms/elbows can no longer maintain a bent or flexed position. Score is on a second scale; 60 seconds is a perfect score. 30 seconds would be, you guessed it, a 30 or 50%. If the score is 30 or below, combine both ring row/flexed arm hangs. These are done on a set of rings similar to a ring row only holding the top position with the body at a 45degree angle.

Exercise 2: Jumping Pull Ups
Jumping pull-ups are a great way of strengthening the shoulder arm and back muscles. However these can and will make you very sore, so following a linear progressive program and gradually increasing the reps and sets is very important. Simply done, from a standing position the athlete jumps the chin over the bar the pull up is held with the chin over the bar and then the body is let down slow, with a 3-5 second count. The rep finishes when the athlete fully extends the arms. At that point the athlete immediately jumps into the next repetition, again holding the chin over the bar for 1 second and descending for a count of 3 to 5 seconds.

Exercise 3: Box assisted pull-ups.
Box assisted pullups
Adjust one of our fine squat racks or sets of rings to a height where as the athlete hangs off the bar or ring, the bottom of your bottom is slightly off the ground. A box is placed in front of the athlete 12-20in in height, at a distance that creates an “L” shape at the athletes hips. From this fully extended hanging position, the athlete pulls themselves to the chin over the bar or in between the rings with a count of 2 seconds on the way up and two seconds on the way down.

The Program
The program follows a 3 day a week cycle. Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or any other combination that provides 1 day rest in between training days. Furthermore this can be done in addition to regular training programs assuming you are not combining other pull-up programs. If the day’s WOD calls for pull-ups, then do them, scale them accordingly with reps and sets and bands. Take a day to rest the pull-ups and then continue with this program.

Tier 1
Mon: 2-3 sets of max time for flexed arm hang. Rest 2min in between efforts.
Wed: 5 sets of 5 jumping pull-ups 3 seconds on the way down. Rest 2 min between efforts.
Fri: 5 sets of 3 box assisted pull-ups or ring ups or traditional ring rows. Adjust the setup so the exercise can be done 2seconds up and 2 seconds down for all reps and sets. Rest 2 min between efforts.
Once the flexed arm hang is at or above 40seconds, all five sets of the 5 jumping pull-ups are performed 3-5 seconds on the way down and the box assist pull-ups are done controlled 2 seconds up and 2 seconds down for 5 sets of 3, the athlete is ready for Tier 2 exercises. This may take a week or 2 or more.

Tier 2
Mon: 5 sets of 5 jumping pull-ups with 5 seconds on the way down. Rest 2 min between efforts.
Wed: Box assisted pull-ups or ring ups, 5 sets of 5 with a 2 count up and 2 count down. Rest 2min between efforts.
Friday: 7 sets of 5 jumping pull-ups 3 seconds on the way down with weight, add 10-15lbs. Rest 2 min between efforts.
Once exercises are performed with good form and adhere to written reps, sets, weights and time constraints, the athlete is ready for Tier 3.

Tier 3
Mon : 3 sets of Box assisted pull-ups, ring-ups for max reps (10+). Rest 3-5minutes in between efforts.
Wed: 7 sets of 5 jumping pull-ups 3 seconds on the way down with 10-20lbs added. 1 min in between sets.
Fri: 5 sets of 7 jumping pull-ups 3 seconds on the way down with 7- 15lbs added. Rest 1min between efforts.
Once exercises are performed with good form and adhere to written reps, sets, weights and time constraints athlete is ready for Tier 4.

Tier 4
Mon: 3 sets of 9 Jumping pull-ups 3 seconds on the way down with 10-15lbs. Rest 2 min.
Wed: 7 sets of 5 Jumping pull-ups 3 seconds on the way down with 15-30lbs. Rest 2 min.
Fri: 9 sets of 5 Box assisted pull ups with added weight 10lbs. 2 seconds up and 2 seconds down.

Follow the program. At a minimum, this program is 1 month. MINIMUM. You may be strong and starting at Tier 2, however spend the time in the Tier until the reps and sets and weights are met. Count out the 3 or 5 seconds. If the reps and sets are not met, continue on that tier for multiple weeks until the standards are met, then progress. No shortcuts to success here. Only pull-ups.