Box Jump Overs
Athletes must be perpendicular to the box when jumping. No lateral jumps will be permitted. Full extension is not required at the top of the box. Athletes can jump over the top of the box or pause on top. Stepping down is permitted in all divisions. A two foot take off is required in the Advanced & Rx divisions. Step ups are allowed in Intermediate division. If stepping over, both feet must make contact with the top of the box.
Toes to Bar
Athletes must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. Both feet must be in contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and behind the body.
AbMat Sit Ups (Intermediate Only)
The rep begins with the athletes shoulders and hands touching the floor behind the AbMat and ends with reaching in front and the shoulders clearly passing in front of the hips at the top.
Single Arm Snatches
Both heads of the dumbbell must touch the ground at the same time at the start of each rep. The dumbbell must be locked out with the arm fully extended over the shoulder and in line with the ear. The dumbbell then must be controlled on the way down for a successful rep. Switching hands overhead is not permitted. There will be absolutely no dropping the dumbbells.. Doing so will result in a no rep. Athletes must alternate arms on each rep. If an athlete receives a no rep, he/she must complete a successful rep on that side before switching arms.
In the single-leg squat, the hip must pass clearly below the knee at the bottom and the opposite foot (non-supporting leg) cannot touch the ground until the rep is completed. The non-supporting foot must stay in front of the supporting foot during the entire repetition. Holding the non-supporting foot is permitted. At the top of the rep, athletes must show control (no hopping around!) and reach full extension with knees and hips fully extended before the non-supporting leg hits the ground. Athletes must alternate legs for each rep. If at any point an athlete fails a rep on one leg, a successful rep must be completed on that leg before moving on.
Dumbbell Lunges (Intermediate Only)
The lunges will be completed in place. The dumbbell will be held in the front of the body. Resting the dumbbell on the shoulder is not permitted. A forward lunge step is required. In the lunge, the back knee must hit the ground. Athletes must stand to full extension before switching legs. Athletes must alternate legs for each rep. If at any point an athlete fails a rep on one leg, a successful rep must be completed on that leg before moving on.
Bar Muscle Up (Advanced & Rx Only)
The rep begins with straight arms at the bottom. At the top, full lock out is required with elbows fully extended. Fade away bar muscle ups where the athlete does not meet lockout at the top over the pull up bar before falling into the next rep will not be counted. Absolutely no glide kips will be allowed: hips, knees, and/or feet must not pass higher than the pull up bar at any point.
Chest to Bar Pull Up
The rep begins with straight arms at the bottom and ends with the chest making clear contact with the bar below the collar bone. Any type of kip is allowed.
Chin Over Bar Pull Ups (Intermediate Only)
The rep begins with straight arms at the bottom and ends with the chin clearly passing over the height of the bar. Any type of kip is allowed.