Paleo Challengers- Get Readyyy!

A little double deadlift action

There will be a reduced schedule this weekend. Saturday the gym will be no 3pm class. Sunday we will have a normal schedule. Monday there will be class at 9,10, 11,12,4&5pm.

PALEO CHALLENGE (September 10th-November 5th)

We will no longer be taking measurements on Saturday, September 1st.

Tuesday, September 4th 

  • Fran!!! 21-15-9 Thrusters (95,65) Pull-ups
  • Measurements with Tinamo 4-7pm.

Wednesday, September 5th 

  • 1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk
  • Measurements with Amy 4-6pm

Thursday, September 6th 

  • “Christine” 3 rounds 500m row, 12 BW Deadlifts, 21 Box Jumps

Saturday, September 8th

  • 1 mile Run


  • $20 entry fee- cash payment when you come in for measurements

The Challenge

  • As CrossFitters we love points, so yes we have a point system.
  • In your online journal you will keep a daily log of your food intake. You must keep track of everything. You will get 15 points for every entry that you submit.  For every cheat that you have during the week you need to subtract 5 points per serving.
    • Cheats constitute:
      • Dairy (Milk in coffee is only -1)
      • Grains- Rice, bread, pasta, cake, cookies, cereal ect.
      • Legumes- Peanuts, soy beans, lima beans, kidney beans, ect.
      • Packaged/processed food
      • Fast food
      • Alcohol other than red wine and tequila (2 serving allowance/day) More than that -5. And no you cannot bank all of your servings for the weekend. 2/day
  • Each day that you take 2.5g of fish oil add 2 points
  • Each day that you come to CrossFit add 3 points
  • If you workout outside of CrossFit add 3 points- walking, the elliptical, and bicep curls DO NOT COUNT! You know what is worth doing at this point, don’t cheat!
  • If you take a rest day, but you still dedicate 20+ minutes to foam rolling, stretching, and/or trigger point work add 3 points.
  • You are not following the Paleo diet if you are not consuming any fruits or vegetables. Each day that you eat less than 3 servings of fruits and vegetables subtract 10 points.

Hand Release Push-ups with feet on box

Level 2 regular push-ups; dead hang pull ups
Level 1 1-7, regular push-ups; kipping pull ups

Rest 5-10 minutes

4 Rounds
Row 300m
5 Power snatches (135,95)

Level 3 (115,80)
Level 2 (95,65)
Level 1 (75,45)