There will be a 730am competitors class today (“Hammer”) and the 11am Saturday class is back in action. 9,10,11am classes will be in Southie Green today. Yoga will be held in Southie Orange.
*Important* – We are making a few changes to the schedule. Open gym attendance has been scarce so we are going to convert most of these hours to classes to encourage participation. These are off hours that are generally slower, so if you want to come in and work on other skills or strength during this time, as long as you are not disruptive to the class, you are more than welcome to do so. We will keep two dedicated open gym hours where a coach will be there to help out with anything you need work on and these hours will not count towards class membership. Yoga hours will remain the same but these hours also will not count towards class membership. Kim is a great instructor and we want everyone to take advantage of her classes and get more flexy in the process. In addition to Yoga, we will be adding a Wednesday night 7-7:30 and 7:30-8 mobility class lead by Coach Berretta. These classes will provide a great opportunity to work your mobility immediately following the 6pm and 6:30pm classes. Again, these classes will not count towards class membership. We will also be replacing the morning Open Gym hours with CrossFit Endurance classes. These specialty classes will count towards membership and anyone interested in specialized endurance training is welcome. Lastly, we are adding an L1/L2 class on Monday nights in Southie Green at 6pm. In order to do so, we are moving the Oly class with Chuckie back to 7pm. All changes will take place starting this Monday.
10 rounds of
10 DeadLifts (135, 95)
5 Burpee Pull Ups
ADV ( 185, 115)
L2 (115, 80)
L1(95,65); burpee jump and touch