There will be no formal classes today. All Levels classes and the Advanced Class are canceled Instead, come join the Photo Scavenger Hunt. What the heck is this?…let me explain. All participating members, everyone is encouraged (no sign up necessary), will meet here at CFS at 9am. We are going to form groups of 4-5 people. You will need one smart phone, and you will have until 11am to complete pictures of the following movements at different Boston landmarks of your choice. Must travel on foot, no transportation! If you are not a strong runner we are going to form a couple of groups to stay around the Southie hood, this way you will not feel pressured to run further than you feel comfortable. However, keep in mind that this is your workout for the day. This is taking the place of an endurance WOD. This should be a fun way to sweat it out!! The movements are listed below:
* Handstands
* L-sits
* Pistols
* Box jumps
* Overhead squats
* Pull-ups
* Burpees
We want you to be as creative as possible. Try to use props, use tourists, create scenarios,quick videos, KB swings with gallons of milk, make this entertaining. When was the last time you explored the city on foot? You will have 90 minutes to complete this task, and trust me it will be a hell of a workout. The group that has the the best set of pictures will win. Our hope is to have the pictures uploaded and added to a slide show for tonight. This event does not count towards your weekly total. Everyone is welcome and don’t forget to wear your Southie gear!
Tonight!– We rented out the upstairs of the Stadium Bar and Grill, which is about a quarter mile from the gym. We hired a DJ and will be serving food. This party is closed to the public. This party is for YOU! We are recommending cocktail attire, but it is not mandatory. You are welcome to bring friends, family, and significant others. There will be lots of dancing, a slide show, and even some superlatives.