Saturday Partner WOD- CFS

Saturday Sleds
Saturday Sleds

Partner WOD
2 Times through Each
Partner A completes 100m farmers carry (2p,1.5) while Partner B completes as many Burpees as possible. Then switch.


2 Times Through Each
Partner A completes 200m run while Partner B completes as many KettleBell Swings (2,1.5) as Possible. Then switch.


2 Times Through Each
Partner A completes a 250m row while Partner B completes as many pull-ups as Possible. Then switch.

*This is scored by total reps and total time*

Level 2 (1.5,1)
Level 1 (1,.75)
ADV Strict Pull Ups

Strongman Class: Skill
Atlas Stone
One-Timing the Stone
Lapping the Stone
*Work to a heavy ground to shoulder for each method

Strongman Class: WOD
4 Rounds
1 minute max Stone to Shoulder
1 minute max Burpees
1 minute max Stone to Shoulder
1 minute max Calories on Assault Bike
Rest 2 minutes

*Choose a stone that you can one-time from the ground to your shoulder