Next week the indoor gyms can open in the city of Boston. This comes with many rules and guidelines to ensure a safe environment among the COVID-19 virus. Many of you have expressed your hesitation to come indoors and some of you simply like the outdoor class and want to keep them going. We hear you and have been sorting out a solution that we hope will effectively satisfy all.
Here’s what you need to know:
- With the exception of rain and extreme heat, all classes will begin outdoors in the parking lot.
- You will have the freedom to complete the workout indoors or outdoors. As long as you have registered for class and there is space, we will make every effort to be flexible and meet your needs.
- Rig and rack days will be strategically programmed for days that inclement weather is anticipated. On rig and rack days, there will be 17 indoor stations in Southie Green, and outdoor stations with a modified equipment workout.
- Southie Green will be exclusively for classes (no Open Gym). In order to keep distance, stations will extend into the Toaster (the space near the front desk).
- Southie Orange will be used for Open Gym. There will be 4 spots with access to a pull up rig, and 7 additional spots without a pull up rig. If Open Gym is not full, we may use these spots for class participants as well.
- You will NOT be required to wear a mask while doing the workout in your station, as they are spaced 14 feet apart.
- You WILL be required to wear a mask any time you are outside of your station.
Safety Precautions
- Current state guidelines recommend that there be no more than 8 people per 1,000 square feet in gyms. Southie Green is nearly 10,000 square feet. Even during completely full classes, we will be limiting attendance to 23 athletes + 2 coaches. In an effort to keep everyone safe, we will be operating at just 30% of our current allowed capacity.
- Just like outside, each station will be equipped with disinfectant.
- Foot traffic will be controlled with arrows on the floor – just like at the super market!
- Indoor stations are set up to be a minimum of 14 feet apart.
- Staff will perform a thorough cleaning of any high-contact surfaces throughout the day and at the end of the night.
- Masks will be required any time you are not in your workout station – when entering the station, when using the restroom, getting equipment, etc.
You will notice that the registration schedule will look different beginning on Monday. A few things to note about class registration:
- If you have no intention of working out inside, please register for “Outdoor WOD.” This will save room in the “Indoor/Outdoor WOD” class for people who DO want to workout indoors. On most days you will be able to complete the workout exactly as it is written outside.
- If you wish to workout outside and “Outdoor WOD” is full, you can register for “Indoor/Outdoor WOD” and stay outside for the duration of the class.
- Open Gym slots are labeled as “Indoor Open Gym with Rig Access”, “Indoor Open Gym without Rig Access”, and “Outdoor Open Gym”. If you do not intend to use a Pull Up Rig during your workout that day, please register for one of the other available classes.
- Given the distance requirements, pull up space is tough to come by. Three stations do not allow for kipping and 1 station includes the fat bar which means a few volunteers will be needed in larger classes to perform strict pull-ups, ring rows or to test their grip strength.
- The outdoor mats will be numbered to correlate with the indoor stations. Please be considerate. We know everyone is excited to get back on the rig but this isn’t the hunger games. We will have people stand on their mats before entering the building to ensure that once inside there is not confusion about who goes to what station.
- Lastly, the brick building in our lot is being torn down soon. When this happens half of the outdoor lot will be temporarily off limits. We will re-strategize at that time.
We hope that you are excited for the next coming weeks! We know we are!
400M Run
KB Work
2 Rounds – Coach led through first round
-10 One Arm Swing alternating Each Side
-10 KB Single Leg Deadlift to Single Arm Press Right Side
-10 KB Single Leg Deadlift to Single Arm Press Left Side
-10 KB Pull-Throughs on each side
-5 Arm Bar Stretch Each Side
5 Rounds
400m Run
15 Burpee Box Jumps 27|24
20 Kettlebell Swings 2|1.5
Level 2- 1|0.75, 24|20
Level 1 – 0.75|0.5, 24|20
ADV – Wear a Vest
Extra Work
1 Lift off*
1 Squat Snatch
*begin in your Snatch set up, keep your position off the floor and raise to the mid hang/above the knee and hold this position for a 1-2 secund count. Reset to the floor and perform a Squat Snatch.