The wall ball shot is a classic CrossFit movement that combines the front squat and overhead press into one highly functional and useful exercise. Anyone who has ever done the workout “Karen” (150 wallball for time) knows how much endurance, both cardiovascular and muscular, is required to do high reps of wall ball in any time domain. Maintaining good form throughout the movement is key. Keeping the ball high on the chest (like the front rack of the front squat) while keeping our weight on our heels from top to bottom of the squat will help delay muscle fatigue by keeping us as efficient as possible throughout the movement. Thinking of it as a thruster, using the power of our hip drive from the bottom to the top of our squat to propel the ball upwards, will also help get that ball up to the target every toss. Speaking of targets…the accuracy element to wall ball shots is and integral part that a lot of people don’t focus on. There are target areas all over both boxes at CF Southie. The only way to improve your wall balls is to shoot for as high a target as possible while also aiming for and hitting the middle of a designated and specific target. Wall ball workouts are not supposed to mean we just blindly chuck med balls against the wall anywhere we please. Set your sights on a target and go for it every single time. If you need to scale down your weight to reach a higher target then do so. Going as high as possible and forcing yourself to hit a target will be difficult but will bring quick rewards. Once you are hitting the 10ft target consistently you should increase the weight of your medball until you are doing RX weight. Aim high, challenge yourselves…
At 10am Sunday yoga this week Tamara will be raffling off a 50 dollar gift card to Mellie’s Hair Salon in Milton. The salon owner is our very own CFS member and stylist for Amy, too! Don’t miss your chance to win the chance to get a free cut! See you soon!
Double Unders x 2
200m sprint or 250m row between rounds.
* No sprint after the set of 10
Level 2- 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
Level 1 – 40-30-20-10/Singles