A runner who performs the movement incorrectly is much like a person who is on high blood pressure medication. The Downstream approach is for them to stay on their medication, the Upstream approach is control of diet and exercise, the true root of the problem. However, you can’t abruptly pull patients off their medication and force them to exercise. Just as you can’t abruptly rip conventional running shoes off an avid runner and tell them to run barefoot. Both would result in a disaster, injury, and complications. This is why many who try “minimalist” running are quick to return back to their old big conventional running shoes. They rush the transition and become injured. The transition is key, and the focus is biomechanics and Upstream thinking.
A simple switch in footwear is not the answer, it is a good start, but understanding the philosophy, development of skill, and consistent practice must be paramount.
Barefoot Running Clinic (3-?hours) Saturday July 16th 12pm-3pm:
This 3-hour running clinic introduces the philosophy, biomechanics, and practice behind the barefoot running. This clinic will allow athletes to learn the skill of barefoot and technique and how to implement it into workouts, endurance races , or daily runs. Athletes running form will be put on video and analyzed. Complimentary USB drives containing video footage, footwear suggestions, research, and tips are included.
This clinic is $75. There are only 12 spots, if you would like to secure your spot please bring cash or a check made out to Drew Wallace. Please give the money to Coach Goose or Coach Amy.
Calves & Lats
Pull-ups- Butterfly and C2B
20 Min AMRAP
400m Sprint
Max Pull-ups
Your score is the total number of pull-ups. As soon as your hands relsease from the bar you are running back out the door.