XMAS Schedule
We will be running one box only all week for All Levels classes. GritWod will be with class all week. Come on in and get your fitness on!
Saturday 12/24 – XMas EVE! – All Levels classes @ 8,9,10,11, no mobility, no Oly, no intro. Box closes at 12pm.
Sunday 12/25 – Merry XMass! – no classes
Monday 12/26 – All levels classes in Southie Green @ 11am, 12pm, 3pm Open Gym 1-3
Tuesday 12/27 – Friday 12/30 All Levels Classes in Southie Green only @ 5:30am, 6:30am, 9am, 11am, 12pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm
3 Rounds- 40s work:20s Rest
1. Plank up and Overs
2. BB Wipers
3. BB Rollouts
800m Run
Then 3 Rounds
20 Thrusters (95,65)
80 Double Unders
800m Run
Level 2- (75,50), 40 double unders
Level 1- (65,35), 100 singles, 15 Thrusters
*coaches tip* – in improving efficiency in dubs shoulders should be pinched back, elbows slightly behind the body and hands slightly in front. Body should be tall and chest proud. The jump should come from the ankle and there should be a soft knee but no real bend in either the knee of hip.