Run & Lift

L- Sits in the AM
L- Sits in the AM

**Our Monday Columbus Day schedule will be as follows. Gym opens at 5:30am but will be hosting coached class at 6am, and 7am only.There will not be a 5:30, 6:30,7:30am in Southie Orange. For the rest of the day the schedule will remain the same.**

Row 100m
with an empty barbell:
5 Split Jerks
5 Muscle Snatch
5 Snatch Balances
5 Drop Snatches
5 High Hang Squat Snatches
5 mid Hang Squat Snatches
5 Low Hang Squat Snatches
5 Split Jerks

10 minutes on ankle mobility and front rack mobility found in the included videos

15 minutes to work up to a heavy Squat Snatch

15 minutes to work up to a heavy Clean & Jerk

*these don’t have to be 1RMs – work up to a heavy 1 rep for the day. If you are feeling good go for a 1RM

WOD – 10 minute cap
15 Front squats 185,115
300m sprint
12 Power Cleans 185,115
200m sprint
9 Push-presses 185,115
100m sprint