The box is closed today due to the blizzard. This will be the BT WOD for Sunday.
Now that we are only a month from the Open it would be a good idea to dial in our nutrition in order to optimize our performance. Hopefully all of us at this point have tried eating paleo for either weight loss or to improve our performance. There are ways we can take our nutrition to the next level and zone out our paleo meals. Zone is more about portion control where paleo is quality control. So why not combine to two and get the most bang for your buck?
NOTE: Do not make drastic changes to your diet this close to the beginning of the Open. This is where we should be tweaking things to optimize performance not doing a complete overhaul. Dramatically changing your diet could lead to some short term performance deficiencies.
Zone breaks down meals into simple blocks. You have carb (9g), protein (7g) and fat (1.5) blocks. A detailed chart of what constitutes one block can be found here. Up until now you would guestimate the total amount of blocks you should consume per day. Here, we are going to give you a simple formula that will tell you how many blocks to consume and then you can deviate if need be. In order to figure this out we must find out our body fat percentage. The simplest, however not the most accurate way would be to use the handheld device we have behind the desk. If any of the medical people out there can access to skin calipers, dexa scans or hydrostatic tests, have at it.
The equation we are going to use is (Lean Body Mass x Activity Level)/7 = Total blocks per day. Lean mass is found by multiplying your weight by your body fat percentage.
Workouts per Day |
Activity Level* |
1 |
.7 |
2 |
.8 |
3 |
.9 |
4 |
1 |
*If you are a trainer or your jobs requires you to be active or on your feet all day increase the activity level by .1
Let’s use myself as an example. I’m 210lbs with 14% (ish) body fat. This gives me a lean mass of 180lbs. On average I will hit 2 workouts a day so my activity level would be a .8 but since I am a trainer I would bump that to .9.
(180 x .9) / 7 = 23 blocks per day
Now that we know how many blocks to start with per day we need to break down our meals. This highly depends on your work schedule and when you can get to food but this is how I would do it in an ideal world. When creating your meals make sure not to have a meal larger than 6 blocks because that is too much food for your body to process. Also, you should consume food 1-2 hours prior to working out. Too far out and you will be under fueled, while too close and you’ll be calling them dinosaurs. Find your happy place.
Meal |
Blocks |
Breakfast |
5 |
Snack |
2 |
Post WOD |
3 |
Lunch |
4 |
Snack |
2 |
Post WOD |
3 |
Dinner |
4 |
Total |
23 Blocks |
Now for the workout…
Warm Up
calorie row
hollow rocks
back extensions
10 minutes to establish a 3rm C&J in 40 seconds
1000m Row
Then 3 rounds of
10 hand release burpees jump and touch
50 Double unders
1000m Row
Then 3 rounds of
10 Hand Release Burpees
50 Double unders
1000m Row