Round Robin Hood


200m Run
10 Box Step Ups
10 Alt SA KB Swings
10 V Ups

200m Run
10 Box Jumps
10 Russian KB Swings
10 Toes to KB

Calf Rolling
Calf Stretching

1. 10 Single Leg KB Deadlift R
2. 10 Single Leg KB Deadlift L
3. 10 Bulgarian Split Squat R
4. 10 Bulgarian Split Squat L

2 Rounds

400m Run
20 Toes to Bar
20 Weighted Step-ups 2|1.5

-Rest 1 Min-

400m Run
20 Kettlebell Swings 2|1.5
30 Box Jumps

-Rest 1 Min-

*with bigger classes you might want to stagger the start

Level 2- 1.5|1, 15 T2B
Level 1- 1|0.75, 40 Sit-ups

Running Subs = .7 Bike | 500m Row or Ski | 100 Double Unders

*Please use caution when driving into the parking lot, and when running in the parking lot. We would rather you be late to class than to bomb in and hit someone.

Extra Work
30 HSPUs
30 Deadlifts 185|125
30 GHDs
30 Cal Ski
30 GHDs
30 Deadlifts 185|125
30 HSPUs

Scale HSPU # or sub Strict Press. GHDs can be modified to V-Ups or abmat Sit Ups