Rope Climb Partner WOD

Squat Off
Squat Off

In-House Throwdown Update! In order to make teams and give everyone time to coordinate with their teammates ahead of time, we have moved the deadline for registration for the throwdown up to this Wednesday, June 3rd! If you are planning to complete, please click HERE to register ASAP. Thank you!

Reminder: Please remember leg protection for the rope climbs. Long Socks, pants, a shin guard or a bit of tape will reduce the occurrence of rope burn.

Rope Climbs

Partner WOD
25 Minute AMRAP
20/15 Calorie Row
2 Rope Climbs
15/10 Hand Release Push-ups

One partner works while the other rests. Score=total rounds

Level 2- 1 rope climb or 2 10ft climbs
Level 1- 3 Pull to stands- 10/7 Push-ups
ADV- Legless, 10/8 Strict HSPUs

Conditioning Class: WOD
3 Rounds
500m Row
400m Run
Rest 2 minutes

Conditioning Class: Core
4 Rounds (for quality, not time)
3 Strict Toes to Bar
2 Around the worlds/direction
1 Dragon Flag