Due to the Endurance Cert, we will only be running one box this weekend. Yoga has been moved to 1pm on Sunday in Southie Green and there will be no Open Gym at 8am or from 1-3 pm on Sunday. Saturday classes will only be held in Southie Green. Classes will be held at 8am,9am,10am, 11am, 2pm and 3pm on Saturday and Open gym will only be permitted from 12-2pm.
Date: Saturday, November 2, 2013
Check-in: 8:00AM
First WOD start time is 9:00AM
Spot available: 24 RX Men, 24 RX Women, 16 Scaled Men, 16 Scaled Women
There will be an area designated for affiliate tents if you choose to set something up. Parking will be just outside the industrial park with about a 400m walk. We will have an area marked off for the unloading of any equipment you may bring, but please take your vehicles to the designated parking area afterward. There will be no vendors so plan accordingly and bring food.
135 Clean M / 85 Clean W
Pullups Men C2B
Double Unders
95/55 Clean
Double unders
Cost: $61
Follow link here for more info, the wods and/or to register:
Front Squat
5 Minutes of Rowing for calories
4 Minutes of Sit-ups
3 Minutes of Front Squats (95,65)
2 minutes of Wallclimbs
1 minute of Burpees
L2 (75,55)
L1 (65,35)