Quarantine Accountability/Nutrition Challenge Take 2 Begins Today!
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Pop UP WOD at Noon Today. Zoom at 5:30.
Check our Class Schedule for all upcoming Pop Up and Zoom times.
Click the Zoom link to join
The Outdoor Fitness forecast looks promising for the next 10 days. We plan to run 1+ midday class on all days the weather safely permits with multiple classes on the weekend. In the case that temps are above freezing earlier in the day we will try to run a morning class. Due to low attendance, Zoom WODs will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wed nights only for the time being.
2 Rounds
:30 work/:10 Rest and Rotate
-Stiff Legged Deadlifts
-Prison Burpee*
-Strict Press
-Moon To Sky
-SL Deadlift Right Side
-SL Deadlift Left Side
* 3|2 Push Ups in the middle of each burpee
Quad Stretch
Calf Stretch
E2MOM 10
3 Strict press
3 Push-press
3 Push-jerk
*if you only have access to lighter weight – try 3-4-5 or up all the reps.
3 Rounds
15|12 Calorie Bike
21 Deadlifts 155|105
10|8 Calorie Bike
9 Shoulder to Overhead 155|105
Schwinn Cals = 22|18 & 15|12
Row Sub = 20|15 & 15|12
Run Sub = 200m & 100m
Jump Rope Sub = 75 Double Unders, 50 Double Unders or keep the same # and single under or Plat Hops
Rx Options:
115|80 = 30 deadlifts, 15 STOH
135|95 – 25 deadlifts, 12 STOH
Pop-up WOD
3 Rounds
200m Sandbag Run 4|3
21 Deadlifts 155|105
100m Sandbag Run
9 Shoulder to Overhead
Extra Work
12 Minute AMRAP
12 Front Rack Step Ups*
1 Minute Plank
*use 2 db’s or kb’s. A barbell or odd object front rack would also work. Pick a weight challenging for 12 reps but aim to complete all 12 reps without breaking them up for at least the first 3 rounds.