A great part of the CrossFit program is being able to measure progress. Each Wednesday for the next 6 weeks, in addition to the hollow rock challenge, we will be retesting the Open WOD’s from last year. If you participated in the Open, it is a great opportunity to see how you have improved in a little less than a years time. We are also going to be doing these WOD’s in heats with judges/coaches for each of you. Everyone who has ever competed in CrossFit realizes how valuable having a judge can be. Judges are in place to encourage and to make sure that movements are done properly. We are all guilty of giving ourselves reps during WODs when no one else is counting or keeping a close eye. If we come close to the wall ball target but don’t hit it, we count it. If we fall off the box without opening the hips, close enough right? If you say so, but when it comes competition time be prepared for a trip to no rep city. By keeping ourselves honest over the next 6 weeks, we will be more prepared when it comes to the the 2012 Open. Throughout these six weeks you can see how you stack up with the rest of the world in each workout here. This is a great way to determine weaknesses to be addressed to improve overall fitness. Team up with people you haven’t met yet, make sure to encourage your peers and most importantly have fun!
20 Hollow Rocks Double Unders Touch and go snatches
Open WOD 11.1
10 Minute AMRAP
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches (75,55)
Level 2 (65,45)
Level 1 (45,35)