Remember the “Intro WOD?”

*Schedule Update* – There will be an All Levels class on Friday nights at 7pm going forward.  We’re also adding a Yoga class mid week.  Every Wednesday at 3:30pm, starting this week, Steph will be here to help you all get a little more flexi.  Yoga is free with membership and does not count towards your weekly class total, so feel free to come on by.  

Double WOD
“The Intro WOD”
7 minute AMRAP
5 Thrusters (95,65)
5 Burpees
5 Box jumps (24,20)

Rest 10 minutes

7 minute AMRAP
7 overhead squats (95,65)
7 toes to bar

L2 (80,50)
L1 (65,35)