*We will be running a reduced schedule this Monday, Memorial Day. We will be doing the Hero WOD Whitten. Classes will be held at 9am, 10am and 11am only. On Sunday classes will run as scheduled except no Yoga*
June 8th is the internal throwdown! We are still looking for athletes, volunteers, and judges for the competition. Registration will close May 31st. There will be no other classes or open gym that day, so why not give the throwdown a try. To register (as an athlete or a judge) please click here.
Regional WOD 6
100 Double Unders
50 Handstand Push-ups
40 Toes to Bar
30 Shoulder to Overhead (160,100)
40 Alternating front rack lunges
Level 3- 30 Handstand Push-ups/(135,85)
Level 2-50 Double Unders, Hand-release push-ups (95,65)
Level 1-200 singles, Hand release push-ups, (65,35)