Reflecting on the Open and getting ready for Regionals

The Southie Squadron

*Schedule Update* – The gym will be closed this Easter weekend as we are hosting a Level 1 Certification.  However, Saturday we are going to host workouts right down the street at Mokley field on Day Boulevard.  There will be a 9am, 10am and 11am class.  No classes will be held on Easter Sunday and no Intro class on Saturday.  Please plan accordingly.

I love how when preparing for the Opens everyone goes in all cool with the intention to just do “the best they can” with each WOD and then carry on with the rest of their training and life. However, for many of us the opens were an emotional rollercoaster that caused us to lose sleep and retest WODs and beat ourselves up over a couple of missed reps. Some people might call us crazy, but I just call it competitive. Team CrossFit Southie fought to finish 3rd place overall for the region. Shoreline CrossFit and CFNE took the 1st and 2nd place finishes. Both teams have some individual CrossFit Games competitors from years past on their squad, and it was an honor to be listed up there with them. Team A will continue on to the Regionals on May 25t,26th, and 27th this year (yes memorial day weekend) and we hope to have as many Southie supporters there as possible! It is a really fun weekend and I can guarantee you will enjoy it. The regional will be held at the Reebok International headquarters in Canton,MA.

CrossFit Southie II. Holy crap!! We are so proud of you. Southie II just missed qualifying by 2 spots, tying for 29th place with 3 other teams and the 2 spots went to the 2 teams with the highest finishes in any 1 workout. I know it was a total bummer for the Southie II team, but you guys did amazing!  Lastly, all you first time competitors that were on the fence about the Opens.  Way to put yourself out there!  We saw you hitting Snatch PR’s in 11.2, handling shoulder to overhead weight in 11.3 that was outside of your comfort level and getting your first T2b’s/C2b’s or improving in these high skill gymnastic movements.

Let’s talk about some highlights!

Crushin Burpees

  • Ashley A 117- 15th in the NE
  • Julie 113- 49th
  • Mazeman -136-5th
  • Goosedaddy 128- 37th
  • Shout out to some of the Southie II ladies Christina (110),Dr. Sarah Sinsac (106), Kristy G (105), Gill P (99)

Snatch City….

  • Big Crusty Urso- 87- 10th in the NE daaammmnnn
  • TJ and AAron both repped out 79 snatches
  • Sarah Borg Picolli- 82- 65th
  • Haley B- 95-3rd…NBD :0)
  • Shout out to Emily Porter for getting a 100lb snatch! Pretty impressive for someone so new to CF
  • Shout to Calli for repping out 9 75lb snatches. Her 1 RM was 73 going into the open
  • Shout out to everyone that PR’d on their snatch during this WOD!  You would not have got the PR if you didn’t put yourself out there and compete in the Opens.

18 Minutes of hell…

  • Team A- First place in the NE
  • TJ- won ther underdog award here-431 reps- 16th in the NE. One large dude reppin out box jumps and t2b. Hardly stopped for a breath.
  • Andrea- 377 Reps 28th!
  • Urso, Melberg, and Bish had the top scores for team B.
  • Shout out to Ashley A for doing body weight shoulder to OH in that wod- 6.5 rounds is beyond impressive
  • Shout out to LIL John for completing 5+7 Rounds. At the CFNE gagre games back in SEptember John could bring his knees to his arms. Now he is reppin out toes to bar. Sooo cool!

MuScle Ups

  • Mel Mott- FIRST 2 MUSCLE UPS EVERRR!!!! Total badass (72nd)
  • Julie- 3 muscle-ups (56th)
  • Daniel Bostwick- Before he started the workout he said his goal was to finish the wallballs. He ended up finishing 13 muscle-ups. As his judge, I thought I was going to explode with excitement.
  • BIshhh- 15 muscle-ups-leading Southie II

Thrusters and C2B

  • Goose and Maze side by side: Goose 141 (8th), Maze 142 (5th)- Solid finishes
  • Mel Mott 107, Andrea 101, Haley 100
  • Cash $$- improved from 78 reps to 90 reps for team II. Her pull-ups are fantastic 🙂
  • Shout out to all of the ladies who had never done a chest to bar pull-up before- Gambino and Lexi, and I am sure ther are some others. So amazing to watch you girls fight for your reps. Major progress.

As individuals Mel, myself (Amy), Maze, and Goose all qualified. We plan to forfeit our individual bids and unite as a team and try to make it to the CF games finals in LA.

Please post to comments your own accomplishments during the open, or the accomplishments of someone that you judged during the open. There were so many amazing performances it is difficult to include everyone in this one blog post. We hope that everyone enjoyed completing the open WODs in classes and we hope to have an even larger participation next year. Keep killin’ it.

Squat therapy
Alternating Tabata hollows and planks

25 Deadlifts  (225,135)
50 WallBalls
100 Barbell Lateral  Jumps
50 Wallballs
25 Deadlifts (225,135)

Level 2 (185,105)
Level 1 (135,75)