Garage Games- New England Finals Judges and Volunteers.


“No rep Megatron”

*There will be no Yoga this Sunday*

As many of you know, our garage games event sold out in 48 hours. We have 275 competitors, it is going to be quite a show! This competition is a ton of work, and we need as many judges and volunteers as possible. Volunteering and judging is a great way to meet other CrossFitters and to become a bigger part of the CrossFit community.If you can donate your time on November 10th and 11th, please click here to register.

Front Squat

4 rounds
1 minute of max muscle-ups
1 minute of max Chest2Deck Push Ups
1 minute of max kettlebell swings (1.5,1)
1 minute of goblet squats (1.5,1)

Rest 1 minute

your score is the sum of your reps. post to comments.

Level 2 Chest to bar pull-ups, (1,.75)
Level 1 Pull-ups (0.75,0.5)