Pull-Up & Up


Primarily Indoors
With a long band
2 Rounds
:30 On| :10 Off
Side steps
Monster walks
Banded squats
Banded strict press
Banded bent over rows

Box Squat
2 Reps

WOD (20 Minute Cap – 7rds)
2 Minutes Work: 1 Minute Rest

10 Power Snatches 95|65
10 Thrusters
Then AMRAP Pull-ups

Continue until you reach X number of pull-ups

Coaches note – aim to have at least 30-40 seconds on the pull up bar each round

RX- 60 Reps
Level 3- 45 Reps
Level 2- 35 Reps, 75|55
Level 1- 25 Reps, 55|35
ADV- 15 Reps Power Snatch and Thruster, 60 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Extra Work
2 Rounds
45|35 Cal Row
Rest 90s
30|25 Cal Row
Rest 90s
15|10 Cal Row
Rest 90s