Pull Up Seminar Today

No Big Deal...
No Big Deal…

We will be hosting a free pull up seminar for all members today at 1pm.   Click here for more details and to register!

National WOD to support to the American Red Cross

Today is the day CrossFit Southie will unite with CrossFit gyms all across the US and participate in “Lift Up Moore,” a fund-raiser for the American Red Cross’ relief efforts in Moore, OK.

Although the tornado struck on May 20th, we might remember that 24 souls perished, hundreds were injured, and the town of Moore was effectively leveled. As such, much work remains and the needs in the community are great. Visit www.LiftUpMoore.com

The CrossFit community has distinguished itself by its past support and participation in such events for the greater good. This event will build upon that tradition.

As an athlete, you will undertake a grueling WOD that memorializes the 5/20/13 date of the tornado, and you can compete on a national leader board and vie for prizes from our sponsors.

1. Take 15 minutes to build up to:

-1 RM Clean (Squat Clean or Power Clean are acceptable)

2. 5 Rounds for Time:

-20 Burpee Lateral Bar Hops
– 13 Squat Cleans (135/95)
By securing the participation of at least 100 gyms and 5,000 athletes, we hope to raise $50,000 for the American Red Cross.

In the time it takes to do 30 air squats, you can sign-up!

Just visit www.EventBrite.com and type “Lift Up Moore” in the search box to find our gym.
Select one of three participation levels:

1. Participate in the WOD only. No donation.

2. Participate in the WOD and make a $10 donation to the Red Cross.

3. . Make a larger donation.

Take 15 minutes to build up to a
1 RM Clean (Squat Clean or Power Clean are acceptable)

5 Rounds
20 Burpee Lateral Bar Hops
13 Squat Cleans (135/95)

Level 3 – (115,80)
Level 2 – (95,65)
Level 1 – (65,35)