Do you find yourself leaving shortly after finishing the workout? One of the many highlights here at CrossFit Southie is the outstanding community. Being the wonderful people you are, we are asking you to offer words of encouragement for those members who are still working hard. Everybody finishes at different times, and not everybody loves an audience but everybody pushes a little harder when they hear their name or know eyes are on them. Next time you’ve finished the WOD and you’re putting away your equipment don’t be afraid to walk by those who are still working and tell them “good job”,” keep pushing yourself”, and other words of encouragement. Just that little bit gives people a boost. We understand people have lives and are busy but you’re here for only 1 hour, maximize your time. The time after your workout should be spent stretching, working on skills, drinking your recovery shake and encouraging your peers. These things make you a better individual and makes our community that much stronger. High fives all around wooooo!!
ReMiNdEr: The sign up sheet for Fight Gone Band is on the desk for Saturday. If you do not sign up please do not expect to take part that day. Fight Gone Bad is in place of the Saturday classes. On Sunday there will be a Paleo Brunch at the Colvin residence at 11am. We will be asking for a $5 contribution or a dish. There will be a sign-up sheet circulating by tomorrow afternoon.
*Schedule Update* We have changed the 7pm Oly class on Monday nights to an Oly/Strength Class. We have also added a Wednesday night Oly/Strength class at 7pm in Southie Green, in place of the 7pm All Levels class. Now you can get your lift on twice a week. Schedule changes are reflected in the Google calendar. Stay posted as we will be adding more classes soon.
Front Squat
C2B Pull-Ups
Box Jumps (24/20)
This should should not be a grinder on the pull up end. It should be short and fast. Scale to regular pull ups, use more assistance or perform jumping pull ups and don’t stop.