Light stretching and static handstand work, then use the EMOM as your warm up.
Odd– 50 Double Unders for efficiency (working on speed of rope, keeping arms in tight, jumping 1-2 inches off the floor, try a shorter rope)
Even– 50 ft handstand walk (scale as necessary)
5 Minute AMRAP
7 Hang Power Cleans (155,105)
7 Shoulder to Overhead
7 Box Jump Overs
Rest 3 Minutes
5 Minute AMRAP
7 Hang Power Cleans (175,115)
7 Shoulder to Overhead
7 Box Jump Overs
Rest 3 Minutes
5 Minute AMRAP
7 Hang Power Cleans (195,125)
7 Shoulder to Overhead
7 Box Jump Overs
Regional- 135/155/175, 95/105/115
Open- 115/135/155, 85/95/105
1500m Row in the mobility room