Positions of the Ultimate Lift – CFS


EMOM Snatch
Mins 1-4 High Hang
Mins 5-8 Mid Hang
Mins 9-12 Low Hang
Mins 13-16 Floor

Start at 75-80% of your max snatch. Work on speed and footwork. Adjust as necessary with the change in positions. Ascend in weight as long as it is not at the significant expense of your form.

12 Minute AMRAP
60 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell Swings (1.5,1)
15 Toes to bar

Level 2- (1,0.75), 30 Double Unders, 20 Kettlebell Swings
Level 1-(0.75,0.5), 60 Singles, 15kbs, 10 t2b