Paleo Lecture Next Saturday, Dec 11th. 11AM.


REMINDER! The CrossFit Nutrition Lecture is next Saturday starting at 11am. There is a lot to cover, so you may want to bring some healthy snacks with you. If anyone wants to prepare a Paleo snack for the group please do! The Paleo Challenge begins on January 8th. There will be a $20 entry fee that will go towards rewards for the top finishers based on weight-loss, blood pressure, body fat, circumferences, and improved performance. If you are planning on doing the challenge but cannot make the lecture Saturday, please let us know.


15 min AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Sit-ups

Rest 7 minutes

15 min AMRAP
Row 250m
20 Double Unders

If everyone decides to show up to one class today,  half the group will start on the first AMRAP and the other half will start on the second AMRAP. Everyone will rest together, then switch.