Just a reminder, we’ll be taking baseline measurements for the Paleo Challenge this morning from 6:30-8:30 and from 5-7 pm tonight at the desk in Southie Green. Make sure to stop by! If you can’t make it today we will also be taking measurements on Thursday evening and Friday morning. Also, be sure that you join the CrossFit Southie Paleo Challenge Facebook group! It’s a great way to stay up to date on all important info and an even better way to stay connected with other participants. Ask questions, share recipes, etc. Click HERE to join!
Paleo Benchmark#2
Work up to a 1 RM
Clean and Jerk
Rest as Needed
Paleo Benchmark #3
1 Mile Run for Time
Conditioning Class: WOD
6 Rounds:
1 min rowing (max cal)
1 minute burpees
1 minute double unders
Rest 1 minute
Conditioning Class: Core
3 rounds
:30 on, :15 off
– Plank Ups
– V-ups
– Bicycle Abs
– Hollow Hold