Last call for judges! We could still use some extra people to help out judging the Showdown this weekend. We’ve had several people drop out, so any extra help you can offer would be a big help! There will be an athlete meeting at 7:30 each morning. Saturday will wrap up at 4pm, and Sunday at 2pm. We’ll take any help you can offer! Please click HERE to sign up. Thank you!
Paleo Benchmark #2 (20 min cap)
3 Rounds
500m Row
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts
21 Box Jumps (24,20)
Level 2 -3/4 Bodyweight
Level 1 – 1/2 Bodyweight
Comments/Scores from Christine on 9/18/14
Mobility Class:
Posterior Chain (Calves, Hamstrings, Low Back)