Warm up – Fish Game – stretching, warm up the deadlift, c & J and pull ups
15 minutes to:
Run 1 mile – for time.
With the remainder of the 15 minutes: Establish a 5RM Deadlift. Warm the deads prior to the run and try to only make one or two attempts so you have time to recover before the next run.
15 minutes to:
Run 1 mile – for time.
With the remainder of the 15 minutes: 1 attempt – Max Effort Unbroken Set of Pullups
Notes: Athletes are allowed one “mulligan” of less than 15 reps.
15 minutes to:
Run 1 mile – for time.
With the remainder of the 15 minutes: Establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk
These 15 minute increments run back to back to back. Your score is your 3 individula mile times, your 5rm deadlift, your max set of pull ups and your max c&j
After Party = Mash Party – spend 20 mins mashing your calves, hammys and/or problem areas.