Orange Crush – CompetitorWOD


With Class – use a heavy stone/sandbag and cut the reps in half

8 min AMRAP
12/10 Calorie Row
12 Medball Hug Step Ups
12 Medball Thrusters

Back Rack Lunge
5 x 25’

After each set, perform 5 single arm bent over rows per side.

“Orange Crush”
60 Calorie Row
50 Wallballs
40 Box Jump Overs

Post WOD Pick One:

Extra OLY
Every 30s for 12 Minutes

1 Squat Snatch

Increase weight every 2 minutes (4 reps)


Extra Conditioning
Assault Bike
40on:20off X4
Rest 2 minute
30 on 30 x 4
Rest 2 minute
20 on 20 off x 4