We will be holding another CFS Networking event at the Stadium Restaurant located on Old Colony and Dorchester St.Thursday the 27th at 7pm . Click here for more details.

Posting to comments is a great way to keep track of your scores throughout the year. By searching “Strict Press” you can find what your 1rm last time we had it in class and have something to compare to. It also allows us to create camaraderie across the entire CFS community and gives our classmates the opportunity to hold us accountable. Post your weight, time and anything on your mind to comments, contribute to the community and record a score with the intent to continue to break in the future.
Handstand Push-up
RX classes- deficit/ring – use abmats and bands where necessary.
Strict Press
5 Rounds
5 Push-jerks (185,115)
15 Wallballs
Level 3 (155,105)
Level 2 (135,85)
Level 1 (95,65)