High skill WOD here in 18.3. This is where the Open gets real and not so “all inclusive” but that’s okay this is what we signed up for. This is where you exceed the expectations you have for yourself and where the Open magic really happens. Its time to push yourself beyond your limits and get those heavier than normal OHS, get that 1st double under or through all 100! Go out and get your first ever pull up or join the Muscle UP club!!!!
Let’s get out of the comfort zone on this one. If you have 1 or some double unders, do this workout RX. Get through AMDubsAP in 14 mins or all 100 dubs and move to the OHS.
If the OHS weight is beyond your 1rep max weight this is where you scale the WOD for the remainder and submit your score as 100RX. If this is your 1rm OHS or lower and you can perform safely, do the OHS and get as far as you can.
If you finish the OHS, back to the dubs, if you finish here and come to Muslce Ups or Pull ups in the scaled division – spend the rest of the time trying to get your first one. Worst case scenario, you get the best practice in that you ever had because you are actually trying hard because its the “Open” and it counts for something. IMO that is much more valuable than doing the WOD scaled.
If you have dubs, OHS and muscle ups, stay smooth and zen and don’t try to overdo what you can do early on in the workout. Missed muscle ups and inefficient OHS and double Unders can mess with your psyche and your performance in the rest of the WOD.
There are some strategy vid links below put together by Coach Tom Kooch
18.3 Strategy
1) For the more advanced and competitive
2) Nicole Carroll’s 18.3 Strategy
3) General 18.3 strategy
4) How to do your first muscle up
Lastly, go out and have fun with it!
Open WOD 18.3
2 rounds for time of:
100 double-unders
20 overhead squats (115/80)
100 double-unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double-unders
20 dumbbell snatches (50/35)
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups
Time cap: 14 minutes
Scaled – chin over bar pull ups (45/35)OHS (35/20)DB Snatch
If you are not submitting for the open
L2 – 50 double unders (75/35); (40/30)
L1 – 100 singles (55/25)
Extra Work
With a Partner
Bike Cals
Ski Cals
Sit ups
Partion the reps between partners. 1 partner works at a time