The 2022 Open is Coming!
The most magical time of the year is back! The 2022 Open is approaching quickly and we want you to get on this 3 week journey with us, we promise you won’t regret it! The Crossift Open is a worldwide online competition open to everyone. Beginning on Thursday February 24th, Each week a WOD will be announced that you can complete at home or in your local affiliate. You’ll submit your score online to a worldwide leaderboard and be part of the biggest Crossfit event of the year. Check out some more information on the Open below from the Crossfit Games Website
“The Open is a global celebration of all the individual reasons we CrossFit. Maybe it’s to live healthier lives. Maybe it’s to lift your kids or stay healthy for your family. Maybe it’s just to prove we can do more than we ever believed possible. Whatever it is, this is the time to show the world your unique why! Compete at the gym or from home. With or without gear. The open is open to all, it doesn’t matter if you’re 14, 40 or 64. Just starting out or a muscle-up pro, And adaptive athletes are here to win. Compare your results by division, location, gym, or group. Hundreds of thousands of athletes. Hundreds of thousands of individual reasons to compete in the Open: Fitness. Community. Family. Competition. Health. Exhaustion. Joy.
For more information and to register visit The Crossfit Games Website HERE.
20|15 Calorie Row
Med Ball Warm-Up
Partner Up!
10 Reps of Each
-Chest Pass
-Sumo Throw
-Burpee Chest Pass
-Side Toss
-Sit-Up Toss
-Russian Twist Toss
Open WOD 16.4/17.4
Complete As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 13 Minutes of:
55 Deadlifts, 225|155
55 Wall-Ball Shots, 20|14lb Ball to 10|9’ Target
55 Calorie Row
55 Handstand Push-Ups
Even – 100’ Farmer’s Carry, 1.5|1
Odd – 12|10 Cal Bike, Ski or Air Runner
ADV – Front Rack Carry
15|12 Calories
Extra Work
-Strict Weighted Pull-Up
-Turkish Get-Up*
*Per Side
Increase weight if able on both movements.Rest as needed between sets
Pull-Up Scaling Options
-Use the lightest band possible
-Ring Rows
-Pull-Up Negatives 3-5 second hold at the top. 3-5 second descent